May 2017 - Nest Recording
Nest recording forms a major part of our work during the summer, obviously mainly focused on Tree Sparrows and we ringed 390 nestlings during the month. Occasionally we get Wrens nesting in our boxes, as open nests it is not possible to safely access most Wren nests but in boxes it is perfectly safe so we ringed two broods totalling 12 birds.
We also have some nest boxes on the Savernake estate mainly targeting the extremely scarce and local Willow Tit. In May we ringed a brood of 9 Willow Tits, two broods of Coal Tit totalling 17 nestlings, a brood of 7 Nuthatches.

The Reed Warbler nest monitoring in the reed bed at Mouldon Hill Canal is going very well with 19 active nests and 4 nests with Cuckoo eggs in.

The Mistle Thrushes in the wall successfully fledged 2 chicks which is a particularly noteworthy event because these are the first Mistle Thrush nestlings that we have ringed in 9 years. It isn't that they are scarce it's just that they do not nest where we go on our rounds of the downs.

Owls are nesting early and sadly two of our Tawny Owl pairs failed but we did manage to ring one successful brood of 2 and we ringed a brood of 4 Little Owls. MP